sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011


He comes to school eager to begin an important week of work with children and most of all this important day.
At the start of a dialogue was held with children, how it should be their behavior and some things that were being presented. Then came a practitioner of psychology where he developed a recognition activity for children and especially appropriate for your group, the children performed work that was important as they were strengthening teamwork creativity. Then they were given a snack each so that they leave the backyard to take a break.
To reenter the classroom, work began on the project guide of life which gave an overview on the topic, and were presented with a slide on the seven basic skills for good living, then became a roundtable discussion among the group to improve coexistence among the group, this topic was very pleased because they themselves through planned activities in the classroom could improve coexistence.

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